
 Experience the power of peaceful sleep with the clinically-proven technology of "VitalSleep" :

VitalSleep is a brand that manufactures anti-snoring devices. These devices are designed to help people who suffer from snoring, which can disrupt their sleep as well as the sleep of their partners. Snoring is often caused by relaxation of the muscles and tissues in the throat and airways, partially blocking airflow during sleep.


Here are some features commonly associated with VitalSleep:

1. Customization : VitalSlip devices are often customized to fit different jaw sizes and personal preferences. This adjustability allows users to find a comfortable fit that works best for them.

2. Materials : These devices are usually made from medical-grade materials that are safe for oral use during sleep. They are durable and designed to last.

3. Easy to clean : VitalSleep devices are generally designed for easy cleaning. They can come with cleaning instructions and tools to ensure proper cleaning.


4. Boil-and-Bite Fitting : Some versions of the device may require a boil-and-bite process. It involves softening the device in boiling water and then biting it to create a custom mold that fits the user's face.

5. FDA Clearance : Brands can insist that their devices are manufactured in the U.S. Clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which can provide users with confidence in the product's safety and efficacy.

6. Money-Back Guarantee : VitalSleep may offer a satisfaction guarantee or trial period, so that users can return the device if they find it ineffective or uncomfortable.

7.Advice : Although VitalSleep devices are designed for self-use, they may recommend consulting a healthcare professional before using the product, especially for people with certain medical conditions.



  Vitalsleep is a brand that manufactures an anti-snoring device. It is designed to help people suffering from snoring and mild sleep apnea by addressing the underlying causes of the condition.

 Here are some details about Vitalsleep:

Product Description:

Vitalsleep offers a customizable, mouthpiece-style device that aims to reduce or eliminate snoring by repositioning the jaw and opening the airway. The device is worn over the mouth during sleep and helps prevent the soft tissues of the throat from collapsing and causing snoring or breathing problems.



Key Benefits:

1. Adjustable Fit : Vitalsleep offers a customizable fit through a boil and bite mechanism. Users heat the device in hot water to soften it and then bite into it to create a personalized mold that fits their teeth and jaw comfortably.

2. Dual-plate design : The device has a dual-plate design that holds the upper and lower jaw slightly forward. This forward positioning helps prevent the tongue and other soft tissues from collapsing into the airway, reducing snoring.

3. Airway opening : By maintaining an open airway, the device can help relieve even mild cases of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep.

4. BPA-Free Materials : Vitalsleep is typically made from BPA-free, medical-grade thermoplastic materials to ensure safety and comfort during use.

5. Size Options : The product usually comes in multiple sizes for different face shapes and sizes.


6. Cleaning and Maintenance : Proper cleaning and maintenance is essential to ensure longevity of the device and hygiene during use. Most anti-snoring devices require regular cleaning to prevent bacterial growth.

7. FDA Cleared : The product may be cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in reducing snoring and mild sleep apnea. This can provide users with a level of confidence in its safety and effectiveness.

VitalSleep offers a customizable solution to solve this problem. Their main product is a mandibular advancement device (MAD), a type of oral appliance. This appliance is worn over the mouth while sleeping and works by keeping the lower jaw slightly forward. By doing so, it helps keep the airways open and prevents soft tissues from collapsing and snoring.

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